Christopher Wada
UHERO Research EconomistEducation
Ph.D., Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2010
M.A., Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2007
B.A., Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 2005
Research Interests
Resource and Environmental Economics, watershed managementSelected Publications
Okuhata, B.K., Delevaux, J.M.S., Richards Donà, A., Smith, C.M., Gibson, V.L., Dulai, H., El-Kadi, A.I., Stamoulis, K., Burnett, K.M., Wada, C.A., Bremer, L.L., 2023. Effects of Multiple Drivers of Environmental Change on Native and Invasive Macroalgae in Nearshore Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems. Water Resources Research 59(7): e2023WR034593.
DeMaagd, N., Fuleky, P., Burnett, K., Wada, C., 2022. Tourism water use during the COVID-19 shutdown: A natural experiment in Hawai‘i. Annals of Tourism Research 97, 103475.
Okuhata, B.K., El-Kadi, A.I., Dulai, H., Lee, J., Wada, C.A., Bremer, L.L., Burnett, K.M., Delevaux, J.M.S., Shuler, C.K., 2022. A density-dependent multi-species model to assess groundwater flow and nutrient transport in the coastal Keauhou aquifer, Hawai‘i, USA. Hydrogeology Journal 30, 231-250.
Wada, C.A., Burnett, K.M., Okuhata, B.K., Delevaux, J.M.S., Dulai, H., El-Kadi, A.I., Gibson, V., Smith, C., Bremer, L.L., 2021. Identifying wastewater management tradeoffs: costs, nearshore water quality, and implications for marine coastal ecosystems in Kona, Hawai‘i. PLOS ONE 16, e0257125.
Bremer, L.L., Elshall, A.S., Wada, C.A., Brewington, L., Delevaux, J.M.S., El-Kadi, A.I., Voss, C.I., Burnett, K.M., 2021. Effects of land cover and watershed protection futures on sustainable groundwater management in a heavily-utilized aquifer in Hawai‘i. Hydrogeology Journal 29, 1749-1765.
Bremer, L.L., DeMaagd, N., Wada, C.A., Burnett, K.M., 2021. Priority watershed management areas for groundwater recharge and drinking water protection: a case study from Hawai‘i Island. Journal of Environmental Management 286, 111622.
Engels, J., Watson, S., Dulai, H., Burnett, K.M., Wada, C.A., Aga, A., DeMaagd, N., McHugh, J., Sumida, B., Bremer, L.L., 2020. Collaborative research to support urban agriculture in the face of change: The case of the Sumida watercress farm on O‘ahu. PLOS ONE 15, e0235661.
Burnett, K.M., Elshall, A.S., Wada, C.A., Arik, A., El-Kadi, A., Voss, C.I., Delevaux, J.M.S., Bremer, L.L., 2020. Incorporating Historical Spring Discharge Protection Into Sustainable Groundwater Management: A Case Study From Pearl Harbor Aquifer, Hawai‘i. Frontiers in Water 2, 14.
Elshall, A.S., Arik, A.D., El-Kadi, A.I., Pierce, S., Ye, M., Burnett, K.M., Wada, C.A., Bremer, L.L., Chun, G., 2020. Groundwater sustainability: A review of the interactions between science and policy. Environmental Research Letters 15, 093004.
Pongkijvorasin, S., Wada, C.A., Burnett, K.M., 2020. Optimal multi-instrument management of interrelated resources and a groundwater dependent ecosystem. Journal of Environmental Management 269, 110723.
Endress, L.H., Roumasset, J.A., Wada, C.A., 2020. Do Natural Disasters Make Sustainable Growth Impossible? Economics of Disasters and Climate Change 4, 319-345.
Wada, C.A., Pongkijvorasin, S., Burnett, K.M., 2020. Mountain-to-sea ecological-resource management: forested watersheds, coastal aquifers, and groundwater dependent ecosystems. Resource and Energy Economics 59, 101146.
Bremer, L.L., Wada, C.A., Medoff, S., Page, J., Falinski, K., Burnett, K.M., 2019. Contributions of native forest protection to local water supplies in East Maui. Science of the Total Environment 688, 1422-1432.
Taniguchi, M., Burnett, K.M., Shimada, J., Hosono, T., Wada, C.A., Ide, K., 2019. Recovery of Lost Nexus Synergy via Payment for Environmental Services in Kumamoto, Japan. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 28.
Burnett, K.M., Ticktin, T., Bremer, L.L., Quazi, S.A., Geslani, C., Wada, C.A., Kurashima, N., Mandle, L., Pascua, P., Depraetere, T., Wolkis, D., Edmonds, M., Giambelluca, T., Falinski, K., Winter, K.B., 2019. Restoring to the future: Environmental, cultural, and management trade-offs in historical versus hybrid restoration of a highly modified ecosystem. Conservation Letters 12, e12606.
Bremer, L.L., Falinski, K., Ching, C., Wada, C.A., Burnett, K.M., Kukea-Shultz, K., Reppun, N., Chun, G., Oleson, K.L.L., Ticktin, T., 2018. Biocultural Restoration of Traditional Agriculture: Cultural, Environmental, and Economic Outcomes of Lo‘i Kalo Restoration in He‘eia, O‘ahu. Sustainability 10, 4502.
Burnett, K.M., Wada, C.A., Taniguchi, M., Sugimoto R., Tahara, D., 2018. Evaluating the Tradeoffs between Groundwater Pumping for Snow-Melting and Nearshore Fishery Productivity in Obama City, Japan. Water 10, 1556.
Leary, J., Mahnken, B., Wada, C., Burnett, K., 2018. Interpreting Life-History Traits of Miconia (Miconia calvescens) through Management over Space and Time in the East Maui Watershed, Hawaii (USA). Invasive Plant Science and Management 11, 191-200.
Bremer, L.L., Mandle, L., Trauernicht, C., Pascua, P., McMillen, H.L., Burnett, K., Wada, C.A., Kurashima, N., Quazi, S.A., Giambelluca, T., Chock, P., Ticktin, T., 2018. Bringing multiple values to the table: assessing future land-use and climate change in North Kona, Hawai‘i. Ecology and Society 23, 33.
Pongkijvorasin, S., Burnett, K., Wada, C., 2018. Joint Management of an Interconnected Coastal Aquifer and Invasive Tree. Ecological Economics 146, 125-135.
Wada, C.A., Bremer, L.L., Burnett, K., Trauernicht, C., Giambelluca, T., Mandle, L., Parsons, E., Weil, C., Kurashima, N., Ticktin, T., 2017. Estimating Cost-Effectiveness of Hawaiian Dry Forest Restoration Using Spatial Changes in Water Yield and Landscape Flammability Under Climate Change. Pacific Science 71, 401-424.
Burnett, K., Wada, C., Balderston, A., 2017. Benefit-cost analysis of watershed conservation on Hawai‘i Island. Ecological Economics 131, 262-274.
Burnett, K., Wada, C., Endo, A., Taniguchi, M., 2017. The economic value of groundwater in Obama. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 11, 44-52.
Endo, A., Burnett, K., Orencio, P.M., Kumazawa, T., Wada, C.A., Ishii, A., Tsurita, I., Taniguchi, M., 2015. Methods of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Water 7, 5806-5830.
Roumasset, J., Wada, C.A., 2015. Payments for Watershed Services as Adaptation to Climate Change: Upstream Conservation and Downstream Aquifer Management. Water Economics and Policy 1, 1450003.
Roumasset, J., Wada, C.A., 2014. Energy, Backstop Endogeneity, and the Optimal Use of Groundwater. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96, 1363-1371.
Burnett, K., Wada, C.A., 2014. Optimal groundwater management when recharge is declining: a method for valuing the recharge benefits of watershed conservation. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 16, 263-278.
Endress, L.H., Pongkijvorasin, S., Roumasset, J., Wada, C.A., 2014. Intergenerational equity with individual impatience in a model of optimal and sustainable growth. Resource and Energy Economics 36, 620-635.
Roumasset, J., Wada, C.A., 2013. A dynamic approach to PES pricing and finance of interlinked ecosystem services: Watershed conservation and groundwater management. Ecological Economics 87, 24-33.
Burnett, K., D’Evelyn, S., Loope, L., Wada, C.A., 2012. An economic approach to assessing import policies designed to prevent the arrival of invasive species: the case of Puccinia psidii in Hawai‘i. Environmental Science & Policy 19-20, 158-168.
Roumasset, J.A., Wada, C.A., 2012. Ordering the extraction of renewable resources: The case of multiple aquifers. Resource and Energy Economics 34, 112-128.
Roumasset, J.A., Wada, C.A., 2010. Optimal and Sustainable Groundwater Extraction. Sustainability 2, 2676-2685.