Q & A: Annual Hawaii Forecast: Tourism Hot, But Broader Growth Still Elusive

July 27, 2012

1. UHERO RELEASED ITS ANNUAL HAWAII FORECAST TODAY WITH THE TITLE, “TOURISM HOT, BUT BROADER GROWTH STILL ELUSIVE.”  THIS HAS BEEN THE STORY FOR QUITE A WHILE, RIGHT? Yes, tourism continues to expand at an impressive rate, and in many ways has more than recovered from the 2008-2009 downturn. But with a few exceptions, the rest […]

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UHERO Annual Hawaii Forecast: Tourism Hot, But Broader Growth Still Elusive

Hawaii’s recovery is proceeding along two very different tracks. The tourism industry is on a tear, posting impressive rates of growth. With a few exceptions, the rest of the local economy is going nowhere. Nevertheless, the best residential building conditions in years and pending public projects set the stage for a construction upturn in 2013. […]

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UHERO State Forecast: Tourism Hot, But Broader Growth Still Elusive

Hawaii’s recovery is proceeding along two very different tracks. The tourism industry is on a tear, posting impressive rates of growth. With a few exceptions, the rest of the local economy is going nowhere. Nevertheless, the best residential building conditions in years and pending public projects set the stage for a construction upturn in 2013. […]

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