Carl Bonham
Hawaii Tourism Faces Challenging 2011
A little more than half way through 2011, Hawaii finds itself facing more economic uncertainty as the EU and US economies deal with slow growth, financial market volatility, and nervous consumers. What a disappointment given the early prospects for a year of strengthening tourism. But early in the year the tourism outlook was tarnished by […]
Read MoreWashington Ignores the Real Crisis
The US Bureau of Economic Analysis released second quarter data on the nations Gross Domestic Product this morning. Given all of the mixed economic news over the past several months, it does not come as a big surprise that this advance GDP estimate was very weak. The US economy expanded at a 1.3% annualized rate during the […]
Read MoreGang of Six vs Cap, Cut, and Balance
It was a busy week in Washington as Congress has struggled with potential solutions to the looming US debt ceiling crisis. Two very different plans have floated to the surface. First, the so called Gang of Six has revived a version of the Bowles-Simpson bypartisian deficit reduction plan. They have widespread support in the Senate […]
Read MoreQ & A: What’s the problem in Europe?
1. THE DEBT CRISIS IN EUROPE SEEMED TO GO FROM BAD TO WORSE. WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? The European Union is still trying to solve the problem of very large government debt burdens of a number of countries. Greece is at the center of the crisis. They have an accumulated net debt of more than 140% […]
Read MoreUHERO Executive Director Carl Bonham serves on President M.R.C. Greenwood’s Innovation Council
UHERO Executive Director Dr. Carl Bonham participated in a panel at an innovation symposium on Jan 13. The panel’s findings indicate that the University of Hawaiʻi and the state have a significant strategic advantage to turn already-robust research efforts into increased job opportunities for Hawaiʻi and the nation. The report, presented for public input and review, […]
Read MoreUHERO faculty to speak at public fora
Dr. Sumner Lacroix and Dr. Carl Bonham will share their thoughts and outlook for Hawaii’s economy at two separate events on Thursday and Friday. Sumner La Croix, Professor, Dept. of Economics, and Research Fellow, University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization, will present a public lecture on the future of Hawaii’s economy at 7 pm on […]
Read MoreInclusionary Zoning: Implications for Oahu’s Housing Market
This report describes Oahu’s housing market and summarizes results from an analysis of the effect of inclusionary zoning (“IZ”) on this market. Inclusionary Zoning policies have failed in other jurisdictions, and are failing on Oahu. IZ reduces the number of “affordable” housing units and raises prices and reduces the quantity of “market- priced” housing units.
Read MoreInsights on PBS: 2010 Legislative Preview
The state budget took center stage as UHERO Executive Director Dr. Carl Bonham joins Represntative Marcus Oshiro, Representative Gene Ward, Senator Russell Kokubun and Moderator Dan Boyland to how the state can live within its means. Recorded on January 14, 2010 in the PBS Hawaii studio.
Read MoreSpecial Report: Maui Construction Jobs Down 12% since March
The momentum created in Maui’s construction sector by soaring median home and condo prices, inexpensive financing, and multiple luxury resort developments has dissipated over the past two years. With the deepening financial crisis and a substantially weaker housing market, employment in the contracting sector on Maui has taken a tumble this year. Because construction has […]
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