Climate Adaptation

Groundwater management for people and ecosystems under a changing climate: Insights from the Puʻuloa aquifer

July 26, 2021

By Leah Bremer, Ahmed Elshall, Christopher Wada, Laura Brewington, Jade Delevaux, Aly El-Kadi, Clifford Voss, and Kimberly Burnett Summary:New research from the University of Hawaiʻi ʻIke Wai project indicates that current legal limits on withdrawals from the Puʻuloa (Pearl Harbor) aquifer, the primary water source for Oʻahu, are not sufficient to protect this important resource. […]

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Effects of land cover and watershed protection futures on sustainable groundwater management in a heavily-utilized aquifer in Hawai‘i

April 21, 2021

Groundwater sustainability initiatives, including sustainable yield and watershed policy protection policies, are growing globally in response to increasing demand for groundwater, coupled with concerns about the effects of climate and land-cover change on groundwater supply. Improved understanding of the impacts of watershed management on groundwater yields and management costs—particularly in the broader context of climate […]

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Sea Level Rise and Home Prices: Evidence from Long Island

March 31, 2021

Global sea level rise is a known consequence of climate change. As predictions of sea level rise have grown in magnitude and certainty, coastal real estate assets face an increasing climate risk. I use a complete data set of repeated home sales from Long Island in New York State to estimate the appreciation discount caused […]

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New UHERO publication on agroforestry restoration in Hawaiʻi

February 25, 2021

Congratulations to former UHERO graduate student Angel Melone and team on publication of her article: “Assessing Baseline Carbon Stocks for Forest Transitions: A Case Study of Agroforestry Restoration from Hawaiʻi.” This publication presents a comprehensive study of carbon stocks as part of a broader collaborative research effort on agroforestry restoration that includes UHERO, UH Botany, […]

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Publication: How Will Climate Change Affect Water Demand? Evidence from Hawai‘i Microclimates

January 1, 2021

The effect that climate change will have on water resource sustainability is gaining international interest, particularly in regions where stocks are strained due to changing climate and increasing populations. Past studies focus mainly on how water availability will be affected by climate change, with little attention paid to how consumer behavior is likely to react. […]

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Project Description: Spatial Planning to Inform Expansion of Agroforestry for Cultural, Ecological & Economic Benefits

October 12, 2020

Agroforestry systems, along with loʻi kalo and other systems, were abundant in traditional Hawaiʻi, and there is great interest in their restoration today. This project aims to improve understanding of current agroforestry systems and evaluate the costs and benefits of expanding restoration.

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Rooftop solar is now competitive with utility-scale power in Hawaiʻi

October 2, 2020

By Michael Roberts We need to transition away from fossil fuels quickly, and with inexpensive renewables and batteries, we can do so in a cost effective manner, so long as we employ a sensible plan and the right policies. But what are the tradeoffs involved with how we do it? In most places, rooftop solar […]

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UHERO’s Leah Bremer on Supporting real-world watershed management

August 14, 2020

UHERO’s Leah Bremer’s recent publication in Water Resources Research was featured in the Global Water Forum this week. She and a team of interdisciplinary colleagues worked with on-the-ground managers of watershed protection programs in Brazil to identify real-world decision contexts where hydrologic modeling and monitoring can support planning and decision making. They demonstrate the importance […]

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How Will Climate Change Affect Water Demand? Evidence from Hawai‘i Microclimates

July 27, 2020

The effect that natural hazard resilience will have on water resource sustainability is gaining international interest, particularly in regions where stocks are strained due to changing climate and increasing populations. Past studies focus mainly on how water availability will be affected by natural hazard resilience, with little attention paid to how consumer behavior is likely […]

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