
The UHERO Housing Policy Group provides rigorous analyses to inform debates regarding housing in Hawaiʻi, with a focus on the high housing cost burdens experienced by the State’s residents. This problem is multiscalar in its origins and thus requires a bundle of analyses ranging from longitudinal portraits of the State’s housing market, to estimates of the impact of housing costs on local populations, to objective evaluations of proposed policy solutions.

Robust Hope for Housing

March 11, 2013

The US housing market turned the corner in 2012 and is set for healthy expansion for the next several years. This according to economists at the annual policy conference of the National Association for Business Economics meeting in Washington last week. Median single family resale prices rose 6-10% last year, depending on the measure one uses, and […]

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Inclusionary Zoning: Implications for Oahu’s Housing Market

February 12, 2010

This report describes Oahu’s housing market and summarizes results from an analysis of the effect of inclusionary zoning (“IZ”) on this market. Inclusionary Zoning policies have failed in other jurisdictions, and are failing on Oahu. IZ reduces the number of “affordable” housing units and raises prices and reduces the quantity of “market- priced” housing units.

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Hawaii Statehood Conference

August 10, 2009

UHERO research will be highlighted at the upcoming Hawaii Statehood Conference. New Horizons for the Next 50 Years A Commemorative Conference will be held Friday, August 21 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Hawai’i Convention Center in Honolulu. For more information visit: http://hawaii.gov/statehood

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Taxing Timeshare Occupancy

December 7, 2008

In this paper, we evaluate the manner in which timeshare occupancy is taxed in the State of Hawaii. Our objective is to ascertain how best to design a timeshare occupancy tax that treats all types of visitor accommodations equitably and enhances tourism’s net economic benefit to Hawaii’s residents. In particular, we address two concerns. First, […]

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