UHERO faculty to speak at public fora
Dr. Sumner Lacroix and Dr. Carl Bonham will share their thoughts and outlook for Hawaii’s economy at two separate events on Thursday and Friday. Sumner La Croix, Professor, Dept. of Economics, and Research Fellow, University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization, will present a public lecture on the future of Hawaii’s economy at 7 pm on […]
Read MoreInsights on PBS: Reforming Wall Street
UHERO Research Fellow Professor Sumner LaCroix will join Gary Fujitani, Dominic Griffin III, Matt Pippin and moderator Dan Boylan to discuss financial market reform. Live: Thursday July 8, 2010 at 7:30 PM
Read MoreUHERO Researchers contribute to Sustainability Science
UHERO is proud to announce the forthcoming Sustainability Science for Watershed Landscapes edited by UHERO’s own Dr. Jim Roumasset, Dr. Kimberly Burnett, and Dr. Arsenio Balisacan of the University of the Philippines Diliman. Sustainability science integrates traditional interdisciplinary environmental studies with policy science. In this volume authors go beyond the application of scientific knowledge to specific problems and develop new methods for dealing with […]
Read MoreUHM participate in The Climate Registry
Craig Coleman, UHERO GHG Research Analyst for the Energy and Greenhouse Gas Solutions Program, contributed to an article in The Implementor, a monthly newsletter published by the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment. The article, The Case For Reporting And Verifying Your Emissions, highlights the work done by Dr. Denise Konan’s group to account, report and verify […]
Read MoreMegan Chock wins Honors Research awards
Megan Chock, an undergraduate intern with UHERO since 2007, won the top award in every category at the UH Honors Spring Research Symposium held Saturday April 24, 2010. Mentored by Dr. Kimberly Burnett, Megan won best Social Sciences Poster, best Social Sciences Oral Presentation, and Best Overall Symposium participant for her research on the economics […]
Read MoreInsights on PBS: 2010 Legislative Preview
The state budget took center stage as UHERO Executive Director Dr. Carl Bonham joins Represntative Marcus Oshiro, Representative Gene Ward, Senator Russell Kokubun and Moderator Dan Boyland to how the state can live within its means. Recorded on January 14, 2010 in the PBS Hawaii studio.
Read MoreReducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Hawaii
Dr. Denise Konan, to present at Renewable Energy and Island Sustainability (REIS) Seminar Series. Hawaii has committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. This research presentation uses detailed data on Hawaii’s energy infrastructure and economic activities to determine the carbon intensity of Hawaii industries. New results are also presented on […]
Read MoreThe Economics of Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Hawaii
Dr. Denise Konan, to speak at Hawaii Economic Association luncheon September 24, 2009. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed legislation that would put a price on carbon. The State of Hawaii has committed to sharp reductions in carbon emissions, and the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative. Come hear the Director of UHERO’s EGGS project explain […]
Read MoreHawaii Statehood Conference
UHERO research will be highlighted at the upcoming Hawaii Statehood Conference. New Horizons for the Next 50 Years A Commemorative Conference will be held Friday, August 21 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Hawai’i Convention Center in Honolulu. For more information visit:
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