Unique pattern of COVID-19 infection in the State of Hawai‘i
UHERO’s Sumner La Croix and coauthors published “Unique pattern of COVID-19 infection in the State of Hawai‘i” in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, and find that Pacific Islanders are 4% of the population and almost 30% of COVID-19 cases, an epidemic within an epidemic in Hawai‘i. Miller FD, La Croix S, Brown T, Ramsey […]
Read MoreCongratulations to UHERO’s Timothy Halliday
Congratulations to UHERO’s Timothy Halliday on his new publication in the Journal of Public Economics, “Intergenerational mobility in self-reported health status in the US.” Halliday and his coauthors show that including both parent health and income in models of intergenerational mobility increases the explanatory power of child outcomes, and document striking health mobility gaps by […]
Read MoreUHERO’s Carl Bonham on Island Focus television series
Watch UHERO’s Executive Director, Carl Bonham on Island Focus, a monthly half-hour television series produced by ‘Ōlelo Community Media.
Read MoreUHERO partnering in Back on the Wave Oʻahu
The City and County of Honolulu and UHERO’s Ruben Juarez have developed a COVID-19 health and safety assessment for businesses in Oʻahu. Businesses, let your customers know that you’re helping Oʻahu get back on the wave, and earn free personal protective equipment and free signage. Customers can access the directory of businesses and safe practices […]
Read MoreCycling mode choice amongst US commuters: The role of climate and topography
Cycling to work is uncommon in most areas of the US, but relatively common in a particular set of metros and neighbourhoods. Explanations for this spatial heterogeneity often focus on differences in local geography, with some areas being allegedly more suitable for cycling. Tyndall estimates the role of topography and climate in determining the share of a metro’s workers who […]
Read MoreGood environmental policy requires understanding people
A forest, coral reef, rangeland or any other ecosystem does not necessarily provide the same benefits to everyone. A healthy forest can link to society well-being in multiple ways, including through deep ancestral and spiritual connections to place, increasing groundwater recharge for drinking or providing lei materials and medicinal products. A recent study demonstrates that […]
Read MorePublication: Increasing decision relevance of ecosystem service science
Congratulations to UHERO’s Leah Bremer on her publication in Nature Sustainability. To calculate the true value of a forest, we need to know how people benefit from it, according to new research published in Nature Sustainability. A healthy forest holds a treasure trove of benefits for people — it can filter water for downstream neighborhoods, […]
Read MoreRecovery to Resilience: Steps Toward the Post-COVID Economy
Wednesday, October 21, 8:00 am Register on Zoom and submit questions in advance HERE. Covid-19 has provoked the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and Hawai‘i now has the weakest economy in the nation, as a measure of GDP decline. Join us to discuss strategies to navigate the recession and set the stage for […]
Read MoreRecovery: Challenges & Opportunities for Hawai‘i’s Economy
Date Friday, October 23, 2020 at 11:00am – 12:00pm Details Join Provost Michael Bruno for the fifth webinar in the UH Collective Conversations series featuring: Carl BonhamExecutive Director & Professor of Economics, UH Economic Research Organization (UHERO) Provost Bruno and Dr. Bonham will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Hawai‘i’s economy, opportunities for economic recovery, […]
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