
Is the Hawaii Convention Center Profitable? June 4, 2018 By James Mak In his testimony before the House Committee on Tourism on February 13, 2018, Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) CEO George Szegeti said “In CY2017 the convention center turned a net operating profit of $1.1 million, marking its second consecutive year of profitability.” This is surprising news, indeed. Convention centers in the U.S. are… Read More
Q & A: What’s the problem in Europe? July 15, 2011 1.  THE DEBT CRISIS IN EUROPE SEEMED TO GO FROM BAD TO WORSE.  WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? The European Union is still trying to solve the problem of very large government debt burdens of a number of countries.  Greece is at the center of the crisis.  They have an accumulated net debt of more than 140%… Read More