New publication to understand COVID-19 disparities in Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islander (NHPI)-enriched communities

Ruben Juarez, COVID-19, Health, News

New publication out today by UHERO’s Ruben Juarez and team, “Vaccine-Associated Shifts in SARS-CoV-2 Infectivity Among the Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population in Hawaii”.

Abstract: Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders (NHPIs) across the country have experienced significant disparities because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Pacific Alliance Against COVID-19 used a society-based participatory approach involving academic and local partners to expand sustainable COVID-19 testing capacity and mitigate the severe consequences among NHPI groups in Hawaii. We describe the approach of this one-year study, some of the results, and how the data are being used to inform next steps for the communities.

Ruben Juarez, Krit Phankitnirundorn, Aaron Ramirez, Rafael Peres, Alika K. Maunakea, and May Okihiro, 0: Vaccine-Associated Shifts in SARS-CoV-2 Infectivity Among the Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population in Hawaii. American Journal of Public Health 0, e1_e4,