New UHERO publication on agroforestry restoration in Hawaiʻi

Agroforestry, Climate Adaptation, Ecosystem Services, Leah Bremer, Environment, News

Congratulations to former UHERO graduate student Angel Melone and team on publication of her article: “Assessing Baseline Carbon Stocks for Forest Transitions: A Case Study of Agroforestry Restoration from Hawaiʻi.” This publication presents a comprehensive study of carbon stocks as part of a broader collaborative research effort on agroforestry restoration that includes UHERO, UH Botany, NREM,  Kākoʻo ʻŌiwi, and the Heʻeia National Estuarine Research Reserve. Angel and team’s work provides the foundation for the first quantification of carbon stocks with agroforestry restoration in Hawaiʻi, a much needed data set that will help to understand the role of agroforestry transitions as a multi-benefit carbon sequestration strategy in Hawaiʻi.