Kimberly Burnett
Specialist, UHERO
- Saunders 505
- 808-956-8068
- CV
Ph.D., Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2007
M.A., Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2004
B.B.A., Economics, Loyola University New Orleans, 1998
Research Interests
Invasive species management, watershed management, value of watershed conservation.
Kimberly joined UHERO in July 2008 as a Research Economist. Her primary research interests include environmental and natural resource economics, invasive species management, and watershed management, particularly for Hawaii and the Pacific. Kimberly’s publications and extramural grants have focused on invasive species and watershed management, groundwater management and the value of watershed conservation.
Selected Publications
Burnett, K.M., S. Pongkijvorasin, C. A. Wada. 2024. Multidisciplinary and Intersectoral Collaborations in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Examples from Japan and Thailand. In: The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific, E. Lee, B. Böer, L. Surendra, J. A. Chun, and M. Taniguchi (Eds.), Chapter 10, Springer Press.
Engels, J., B.C. Bruno, E. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, H. Dulai, M. Manning, D. Viviani, K. Keliipuleole, B. Dela Cruz, K. Ho, K. Kila, T. Malterre, A. Thepsenavong, L. Bremer, C. Wada, S. Watson, A.S. Elshall, A.D. Arik, and K. Burnett. 2024. Co-production of knowledge at Sumida Farm trains a new generation of community-
engaged scientists. Oceanography 37(1):38–39,
Okuhata, B.K., J.M.S. Delevaux, A. Richards Donà, C.M. Smith, V. Gibson, H. Dulai, A.I. El-Kadi, K. Stamoulis, K.M. Burnett, C.A. Wada, L. L. Bremer. 2023. Effects of multiple drivers of environmental change on native and invasive macroalgae in nearshore groundwater dependent ecosystems. Water Resources Research,
Vave, R., K.M. Burnett, A.M. Friedlander. 2023. Balancing culture and survival: an urban-rural socioeconomic assessment of indigenous Fijian funerals in Fiji. World Development Sustainability,
Wada, C.A., S. Pongkijvorasin, J.A. Roumasset, and K.M. Burnett. 2023. Solving Optimal Groundwater Problems with Excel. Applied Economics Teaching Resources, in press.
DeMaagd, N. P., Fuleky, K.M. Burnett, and C. A. Wada. 2022. Tourism Water Use During the COVID-19 Shutdown. Annals of Tourism Research,
Gibson, V., L.L. Bremer, K.M. Burnett, N. Lui, and C. Smith. 2022. Biocultural Values of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in Kona, Hawaiʻi. Ecology and Society,
Burnett, K.M., S. Pongkijvorasin, and C. A. Wada. 2022. Multidisciplinary and Intersectoral Collaborations in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Examples from Japan and Thailand, In: The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in East and Southeast Asia, eds: E. Lee, B. Böer, L. Surendra, J.A. Chun, and M. Taniguchi, Springer Press.
Okuhata, B.K., A.I. El-Kadi, H. Dulai, J. Lee, C.A. Wada, L.L. Bremer, K.M. Burnett, J.M.S. Delevaux, C.K. Shuler. 2021. A density-dependent multi-species model to assess groundwater flow and nutrient transport in the coastal Keauhou aquifer, Hawai‘i, USA. Hydrogeology Journal,
Wada C.A., K.M. Burnett, B.K. Okuhata, J.M.S. Delevaux, H. Dulai, A.I. El-Kadi, V. Gibson, C. Smith, L. L. Bremer. 2021 Identifying wastewater management tradeoffs: Costs, nearshore water quality, and implications for marine coastal ecosystems in Kona, Hawai‘i. PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257125.
Lewis, D., C.A. Wada, K.M. Burnett, J. Leary, B. Mahnken. 2021. Evaluating Protection Strategies for an Invasive Plant Species: Miconia calvescens. In: Invasive Alien Species, eds: T.Pullaiah and M.Ielmini, Wiley-Blackwell, 1472 Pages.
Bremer, L.L., A. Elshall, C.A. Wada, L. Brewington, J. Delevaux, A. El-Kadi, C. Voss, and K.M. Burnett. 2021. Effects of land cover and watershed protection futures on sustainable groundwater management in a heavily-utilized aquifer in Hawai’i. Hydrogeology Journal,
Bremer, L.L., N. DeMaagd, C.A. Wada, K.M. Burnett. 2021. Identifying priority watershed management areas for groundwater recharge for drinking water on Hawai’i Island. Journal of Environmental Management
Elshall, A.S., A.D. Arik, A.I. El-Kadi, S. Pierce, M. Ye, K.M. Burnett, C.A. Wada, L.L. Bremer, and G. Chun. 2020. Groundwater Sustainability: A Review of the Interactions between Science and Policy. Environmental Research Letters 15,
Engels J.L., S. Watson, H. Dulai, K.M. Burnett, C.A. Wada, A. Aga, N. DeMaagd, J. McHugh, B. Sumida, L.L. Bremer. 2020. Collaborative research to support urban agriculture in the face of change: The case of the Sumida watercress farm on O‘ahu. PLOS ONE 15(7): e0235661.
Burnett, K.M., A. S. Elshall, C.A. Wada, A. Arik, A. El-Kadi, C. I. Voss, J. Delevaux, and L. L. Bremer. 2020. Incorporating historical spring discharge protection into sustainable groundwater management: A case study from Pearl Harbor Aquifer, Hawai‘i. Frontiers in Water,
Pongkijvorasin, S., C.A., Wada, and K.M. Burnett. 2020. Optimal multi-instrument management of interrelated resources and a groundwater dependent ecosystem. Journal of Environmental Management, 269,
Wada, C. A., Pongkijvorasin, S. and K.M. Burnett. 2020. Mountain-to-sea ecological-resource management: forested watersheds, coastal aquifers, and groundwater dependent ecosystems. Resource and Energy Economics.
Taniguchi, M., H Dulai, K.M. Burnett, I.R. Santos, R. Sugimoto, T. Stieglitz, G. Kim, N. Moosdorf, and W.C. Burnett. 2019. Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Updates on Its Measurement Techniques, Geophysical Drivers, Magnitudes, and Effects. Front. Environ. Sci. 7:141.
Burnett, K.M., Ticktin, T., Bremer, L. Quazi, S. Geslani, C. Wada, C. Kurashima, N. Mandle, L. Pascua, P., Depraetere T., Wolkis, D., Edmonds, M., Giambelluca, T., Falinski, K., and Winter K. 2019. Restoring to the Future: Environmental, Cultural, and Management Tradeoffs in Historical versus Hybrid Restoration of a Highly Modified Ecosystem. Conservation Letters, e12606.
Bremer, L.L., C.A. Wada, S. Medoff, J. Page, K. Falinski, and K.M. Burnett. 2019. Contributions of native forest protection to local water supplies in East Maui. Science for the Total Environment, 688, 1422-1432,
Taniguchi, M. K.M. Burnett, J. Shimada, T. Hosono, C.A. Wada, and K. Ide. 2019. Recovery of lost nexus synergy via payment for environmental services in Kumamoto, Japan. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7,
Delevaux, J.M.S., K. A. Stamoulis, R. Whittier, S. D. Jupiter, L.L. Bremer, A. Friedlander, N. Kurashima, J. Giddens, K. B. Winter, M. Blaich-Vaughan, K.M. Burnett, C. Geslani, and T. Ticktin. 2019. Place-based management can reduce human impacts on coral reefs in a changing climate. Ecological Applications, 29(4).
Burnett, K.M., C.A. Wada, M. Taniguchi, R. Sugimoto, and D. Tahara. 2018. Evaluating the Tradeoffs between Groundwater Pumping for Snow-Melting and Nearshore Fishery Productivity in Obama City, Japan. Water, 10,
Burnett, K.M. and C.A. Wada. 2018. Accounting for Externalities in the Water Energy Food Nexus. In: Endo, A., Oh, T. (Eds.), The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Human-Environmental Security in the Asia-Pacific Ring of Fire, Chapter 18, Springer, pp.261-272.
Pongkijvorasin, S. K.M. Burnett, and C.A. Wada. 2018. Joint Management of an Interconnected Coastal Aquifer and Invasive Tree, Ecological Economics, 146, 125-135,
Bremer, L.L., L. Mandle, C. Trauernicht, P. Pascua, H.L. McMillen, K.M. Burnett, C. A. Wada, N. Kurashima, S.A. Quazi, T. Giambelluca, P. Chock and T. Ticktin. 2018. Bringing Multiple Values to the Table: Assessing Future Land-use and Climate Change in North Kona, Hawaii. Ecology and Society 23 (1):33.
Leary J, B. Mahnken, C.A. Wada and K.M. Burnett. 2018. Interpreting life-history traits of miconia (Miconia calvescens) through management over space and time in the East Maui Watershed, Hawaii (USA). Invasive Plant Science and Management 11:191–200.
Bremer, L.L. K. Falinski, C. Ching, C.A. Wada, K.M. Burnett, K. Kukea-Shultz, N. Reppun, G. Chun, K.L. Oleson, and T. Ticktin. 2018. Biocultural Restoration of Traditional Agriculture: Cultural, Environmental, and Economic Outcomes of Lo‘i Kalo Restoration in He‘eia, O‘ahu. Sustainability, 10, 4502.
Delevaux, J.M.S., K. Winter, M. Vaughan, S. Jupiter, K. A. Stamoulis, L. L. Bremer, K.M. Burnett, P. Garrod, J. L. Troller, and T. Ticktin. 2018. Linking land and sea through collaborative research to inform contemporary applications of Traditional Resource Management in Hawaii. Sustainability, 10(9): 3147.
Delevaux, J.M.S., R. Whittier, K.A. Stamoulis, L. Bremer, S. Jupiter, A. Friedlander, M. Poti, G. Guannel, N. Kurashima, K. Winter, R. Toonen, E. Conklin, C. Wiggins, A. Knudby, W. Goodell, K.M. Burnett, S. Yee, Hla Htun, K. Oleson, and T. Wiegner, T., Ticktin. 2018. A Linked Land-Sea Modeling Framework to Inform Ridge-to-Reef Management in High Oceanic Islands, PLoS ONE, 13(3): e0193230.
Burnett, K.M., C.A. Wada, A. Balderston. 2017. Benefit-Cost Analysis of Watershed Conservation on Hawaii Island. Ecological Economics 131, 262-274.
Wada, C.A., L. Bremer, K.M. Burnett, C. Trauernicht, T. Giambelluca, L. Mandle, E. Parsons, C. Weil, N. Kurashima, T. Ticktin. 2017. Estimating the Cost-Effectiveness of Hawaiian Dry Forest Restoration Using Spatial Changes in Water Yield and Landscape Flammability under Climate Change. Pacific Science 71(4), 401-424.
Kim, K., K.M. Burnett and J. Ghimire. 2017. Integrating Fast Feedback and GIS to Plan for Important Agricultural Land Designations in Kauai County, Hawaii. Journal of Land Use Science, 12(5): 375-390.
Burnett, K.M., C.A. Wada, A. Endo, and M. Taniguchi. 2017. The Economic Value of Groundwater in Obama. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 11: 44-52.
Endo, A., I. Tsurita, K.M. Burnett, P. Orencio. 2017. A Review of the Current State of Research on the Water, Energy, and Food Nexus. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 11:20-30, doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.11.010
Burnett, K.M., C.A. Wada, A. Endo, and M. Taniguchi. 2016. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Disaster Mitigation Infrastructure: The Case of Seawalls in Otsuchi, Japan. Journal of Finance and Economics, 4(3), 1-11.
Wada, C.A., K.M. Burnett, and J. Gurdak. 2016. Sustainable Agriculture Irrigation Management: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Pajaro Valley, California, Sustainable Agriculture Research, 5(3), 76-83,
Taniguchi, M. N. Masuhara, and K.M. Burnett. 2016. Water, Energy, and Food Security in the Asia Pacific Region. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 11: 9-19.
Kim, K., K.M. Burnett and J. Ghimire. 2015. Assessing the Potential for Food and Energy Self-sufficiency on the Island of Kauai, Hawaii. Food Policy, 54, 44-51.
Burnett, K.M., S. Pongkijvorasin, J. Roumasset, C.A. Wada. 2015. Integrated Management of Water Resources: Watersheds, Wetlands, Groundwater Stocks, and Coastal Ecology. In: Handbook of Water Economics, A. Dinar and K. Schwabe (Eds.), Chapter 9, Edward Elgar.
Endo, A., K.M. Burnett, P. Orencio, T. Kumazawa, C.A. Wada, A. Ishii, I. Tsurita, and M. Taniguchi. 2015. Methods of the Water-Energy-Food nexus. Water 7, 5806-5830.
Henly-Shepard, S. C. Anderson, K.M. Burnett, L. Cox, J. N. Kittinger, and M. Ka’aumoana. 2015. Quantifying Household Social Resilience: A Place-based Approach in a Rapidly Transforming Community. Natural Hazards 75(1), 343-363.
Burnett, K.M., J. Roumasset, and C.A. Wada. 2015. Optimal Joint Management of Interdependent Resources: Groundwater Versus Kiawe (Prosopis pallida). In A. Balisacan, U. Chakravorty and M. Ravago (Eds.), Sustainable Economic Development: Resources, Environment and Institutions, Chapter 6, Academic Press.
Burnett, K.M., R. Howitt, J. Roumasset and C.A. Wada, eds. 2014. Handbook of Water Economics and Institutions, Routledge.
Burnett, K.M., J. Roumasset, and C.A. Wada. 2014. The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Watershed Management, in Handbook of Water Economics and Institutions K. Burnett, R. Howitt, J. Roumasset and C. Wada, eds; Routledge, 100-110.
Burnett, K.M., and C.A. Wada. 2014. Optimal Groundwater Management when Recharge is Declining: A Method for Valuing the Recharge Benefits of Watershed Conservation, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 16 (3), 263-278.
Burnett, K.M., L. Endress, M-L. Ravago, J. Roumasset, C.A. Wada. 2014. Islands of Sustainability in Time and Space. International Journal of Sustainable Society 6(1/2), 9-27.
Burnett, K.M., J. Roumasset, and C.A. Wada. 2012. Multi-instrument Pollution Abatement from Multiple Sources: The Case of Nitrogen Pollution in Groundwater. Journal of Sustainable Watershed Science and Management, 1(3): 76–83. doi:10.5147/jswsm.2012.0088
Burnett, K.M., S. D’Evelyn, L. Loope, and C.A. Wada. 2012. An Economic Approach to Assessing Import Policies Designed to Prevent the Arrival of Invasive Species: The Case of Puccinia psidii in Hawai‘i. Environmental Science & Policy 19-20: 158-168.
Burnett, K.M., S. Pongkijvorasin, and J. Roumasset. 2012. Species Invasion as Catastrophe: The Case of the Brown Tree Snake. Environmental and Resource Economics 51(2): 241-254.
Burnett, K.M., S. D’Evelyn, L. Loope, and C.A. Wada. 2012. Economic Analysis of the Proposed Rule to Prevent Arrival of New Genetic Strains of the Rust Fungus Puccinia psidii in Hawai‘i. Technical Report No. 177. The Hawai‘i-Pacific Islands Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit & Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, University of Hawai‘i, Honolulu, Hawai‘i. 50 pp.