The economic value of groundwater in Obama

Ecosystem Services, Kimberly Burnett, Water Resources, Christopher Wada, Environment, Publications, Working Papers

Obama City has a population of 33,000 and is located in the central Wakasa district, in southwest Fukui Prefecture, Japan. Groundwater is used aboveground year round for commercial and domestic purposes and during winter months to melt snow. Submarine groundwater discharge along the coast supports a nearshore fishery in the region. Results from a choice-based analysis suggest that residents are willing to pay on average JPY 565 per month to maintain the drinking water function and aquatic resource function of groundwater in the Fukui region. However, the static approach is not appropriate for estimating the net present value of the resource. We therefore develop and propose a dynamic framework capable of assessing tradeoffs between the various water uses as scarcity increases or decreases in the future.