UHERO joins new effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in Hawai‘i

COVID-19, News

COVID Pau is a statewide multi-channel communications initiative designed to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in Hawai‘i, launched today. UHERO is a proud partner in the Hawai‘i COVID Collaborative, a hui of health care, business and nonprofit leaders working together to address unmet needs for public information as our society deal with COVID-19.

By providing real-time, at-a-glance information, video testimonials, social media updates and more, COVID Pau aims to provide Hawai‘i’s residents with the tools, resources, knowledge and motivation we need to make informed choices that help protect our health, stop the spread of the virus, and lay the foundation for statewide recovery. Follow @covidpau on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook; click here to sign up for a weekly COVID Pau email with data updates, expert analysis and society stories, and visit www.covidpau.org for daily numbers, weekly round-up analysis, and frequent new stories of real COVID-19 experiences.