UHERO Survey on the Impacts of COVID-19 on Hawaii’s Rental Properties

Philip Garboden, COVID-19, Housing, News

UHERO has partnered with landlord and property management organizations to initiate a statewide data collection effort related to the impacts of the COVID-19 crises on our state’s rental housing. Our goal is to gather representative empirical data each month on 1) the number of rental households struggling to pay rent and 2) the number of rental properties at risk of being lost to sale or conversion.

Please help us in disseminating our brief inaugural survey:

And if you are a property manager or landlord yourself, please don’t hesitate to complete it. We are particularly interested in reaching small “mom and pop” and landlords and family huis, who may not be a member of our partner organizations and are typically underrepresented in data collection efforts.

If you have any questions, please email Philip Garboden (pgarbod@hawaii.edu), the HCRC Professor in Affordable Housing Economics, Policy, and Planning at UHERO and DURP.