UHERO’s Carl Bonham Speaking to the State House Select Committee on COVID-19 (April 6, 2020)
Read MoreHow to Control Hawaii’s Coronavirus Epidemic and Bring Back the Economy: The Next Steps
We spell out in detail how increased testing, comprehensive historical contact tracing, and isolation of exposed and infected individuals can lead to a rapid reduction in new infections and hospitalizations. Once this system has been put in place and has operated successfully for several weeks, we may begin to approach several measurable targets—number of new […]
Read MoreHerd Immunity or Containment through Test and Trace?
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), a viral disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, has arrived and is spreading in Hawai’i. In an attempt to “flatten the curve,” we have closed schools and many workplaces, while the entire state shelters at home. As a result, the economy is contracting fast. While sufficiently flattening the curve is the […]
Read MoreUHERO’s Carl Bonham Speaking to the State House Select Committee on COVID-19 (March 30, 2020)
Read MoreInterim Forecast Update: Hawaii’s Economy is Shut Down to Deal with COVID-19
This is UHERO’s second interim forecast update to address dramatic recent developments associated with the novel coronavirus pandemic. Much has changed since the interim forecast update that we released three weeks ago. COVID-19 has spread to more and more countries, with disastrous impacts being seen in several major European economies, including Italy and Spain. Nationally, […]
Read MoreUsing Extensive Testing and Geographical Isolation to Mitigate the Coronavirus Crisis in Hawaii
Hawaii needs to quickly adopt and implement a plan to control and then halt the spread of the coronavirus or the cost in terms of lives and damage to the economy will be catastrophic. The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic had an infection rate of 28% and a death rate of 2.5% for the infected population. […]
Read MoreThe Agony of Restaurant Workers
Social distancing is necessary to slow the spread of COVID-19, but has significant economic impacts, hitting dine-in eateries disproportionately hard.
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