
UHERO Brief: China’s Real Estate Bubble

November 22, 2010

What will be the consequences of China’s real estate bubble deflating? One is tempted to equate the Chinese real estate bubble with the U.S. experience, but the differences between the Chinese and American real-estate and financial sectors are striking and will likely lead to a very different, and a much more moderate, outcome.

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China’s Real Estate Bubble

What will be the consequences of China’s real estate bubble deflating? One is tempted to equate the Chinese real estate bubble with the U.S. experience, but the differences between the Chinese and American real-estate and financial sectors are striking and will likely lead to a very different, and a much more moderate, outcome.

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Publication: Spatial Economic Analysis of Early Detection and Rapid Response Strategies for an Invasive Species

November 1, 2010

Economic impacts from invasive species, conveyed as expected damages to assets from invasion and expected costs of successful prevention and/or removal, may vary significantly across spatially differentiated landscapes. We develop a spatial–dynamic model for optimal early detection and rapid response (EDRR) policies, commonly exploited in the management of potential invaders around the world, and apply […]

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UHERO Unveils Redesigned Data Portal

October 22, 2010

UHERO unveiled its redesigned UHERO Data Portal, a free online resource that provides access to the most up-to-date information on a wide array of economic and social indicators for the state and county economies. The completely revamped design, made possible by generous support from Bank of Hawaii, provides improved navigation, expanded functionality, and an attractive, […]

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State Forecast Update: Strong Summer for Tourism

October 1, 2010

Hawaii’s recovery continues, led by a better-than-expected performance from tourism. The visitor industry’s summer strength is sustaining moderate job gains in related sectors.

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UHERO faculty to speak at public fora

September 30, 2010

Dr. Sumner Lacroix and Dr. Carl Bonham will share their thoughts and outlook for Hawaii’s economy at two separate events on Thursday and Friday. Sumner La Croix, Professor, Dept. of Economics, and Research Fellow, University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization, will present a public lecture on the future of Hawaii’s economy at 7 pm on […]

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Construction Forecast: Construction Begins to Stabilize

September 23, 2010

Hawaii’s construction industry continues to seek a bottom to what has been a bruising downturn. Recent months have brought some encouraging news, but for at least the next year, the industry will find its most promising support in public sector projects.

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Technical Progress in Transport and the Tourism Area Life Cycle

September 7, 2010

Richard Butler’s tourism area life cycle envisions tourism destinations to evolve in stages from exploration to rapid growth followed by slackening, stagnation, and even decline. The eventual slow-down in tourism growth is attributed to the destinations reaching their physical and social carrying capacities. This article examines the evolution of Hawaii as a tourism destination from […]

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Why Hasn’t the US Economic Stimulus Been More Effective? The Debate on Tax and Expenditure Multipliers

July 7, 2010

Recent dissatisfaction with the impact of expenditure stimulus on economic activity in the United States, along with the results of academic research, have once again raised questions about the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus policies and about whether stimulus to a recessionary economy should be in the form of tax cuts or expenditure increases. This paper considers […]

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