Energy Policy and Planning Group
UHERO fellows conduct research to evaluate impacts of past and prospective energy-related policies, and engage with policymakers and stakeholders on contemporary and emerging energy issues, such as natural hazard resilience and associated clean air goals, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, and carbon taxes.
Hawaii’s Proposed 400MW Wind Energy Project Explained
HOW WILL THE PROPOSED 400 MW WIND ENERGY PROJECT CONTRIBUTE TO THE STATE’S RENEWABLE ENERGY GOALS? Hawaii has one of the most stringent Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)* policies in the country as well as the highest electricity rates due to dependence on oil for electricity generation (Coffman et al., 2012). As such, renewable energy technologies […]
Read MoreStatewide Economy and Electricity-Sector Models for Assessment of Hawai‘i Energy Policies
This paper uses both a “top-down” and “bottom-up” economic model to asses the cost and greenhouse implications of various energy and environmental alternatives. The Hawai‘i Computable Generable Equilibrium Model (H-CGE) is a “top-down,” economy-wide model that captures the interaction between both producers and consumers, including full price effects between sectors. The Hawai‘i Electricity Model (HELM) […]
Read MoreAn Assessment Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions-Weighted Clean Energy Standards
Published in the journal Energy Policy, this paper quantifies the relative cost-savings of utilizing a greenhouse gas emissions-weighted Clean Energy Standard (CES) in comparison to a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). Using a bottom-up electricity sector model for Hawaii, this paper demonstrates that a policy that gives “clean energy” credit to electricity technologies based on their […]
Read MoreGoing green: Green jobs in Hawaii
According to a March 22, 2012 press release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2010 there were 3.1 million “green” jobs in the United States of which 15,583 were located in Hawaii. The number at first might seem to be low compared to other states. However, percentage wise the number of people employed in “green” […]
Read MoreDr. Makena Coffman named new Director of Energy and Greenhouse Gas Solutions (EGGS)
UHERO is pleased to introduce our new Director of Energy and Greenhouse Gas Solutions (EGGS), Dr. Makena Coffman. Dr. Coffman is a UHERO Research Fellow and Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning. She brings expertise in greenhouse gas reduction strategies, sustainability planning, and computable general equilibrium modeling.
Read MoreUHERO EGGS Team Presents On Capitol Hill
March 27 – 29, 2011: Members of the UHERO EGGS team went to Washington DC to present at a symposium and Capitol Hill poster session hosted by the National Science Foundation supported program, SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities). The 2011 Washington Symposium and Capitol Hill Poster Session theme was “Students as […]
Read MoreUHM participate in The Climate Registry
Craig Coleman, UHERO GHG Research Analyst for the Energy and Greenhouse Gas Solutions Program, contributed to an article in The Implementor, a monthly newsletter published by the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment. The article, The Case For Reporting And Verifying Your Emissions, highlights the work done by Dr. Denise Konan’s group to account, report and verify […]
Read MoreTargeting Hawaii Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions: Emission Forecasts and Their Implications for Act 234
Act 234 calls for the state of Hawai‘i to return its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Under a business as usual environment, we forecast Hawai’i’s 2020 emissions to be between 18 and 34 percent above 1990 levels. Since transportation and electricity account for about 75 percent of Hawai’i’s GHG emissions, most […]
Read MoreAnalysis of Introduction of Plug-in Electric Hybrid Vehicles to Honolulu
The primary aim of this study is to understand the benefits and barriers which might be associated with the introduction of PHEV technology to Hawaii. This analysis illustrates that PHEV’s represent a much larger and more pervasive strategic opportunity than is generally appreciated in the State. Specific interests that guided our research were: To estimate […]
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