The UHERO Housing Policy Group provides rigorous analyses to inform debates regarding housing in Hawaiʻi, with a focus on the high housing cost burdens experienced by the State’s residents. This problem is multiscalar in its origins and thus requires a bundle of analyses ranging from longitudinal portraits of the State’s housing market, to estimates of the impact of housing costs on local populations, to objective evaluations of proposed policy solutions.
How to Renovate Housing Policy in a Way that Works
How to Renovate Housing Policy in a Way that Works On May 12, the University of Hawaii Better Tomorrow Speaker Series series hosted a discussion with Stanford economist Rebecca Diamond to address the crisis in housing supply and affordability. Below are some highlights from the conversation, which were condensed and edited for clarity. If you missed the […]
Read MoreSea Level Rise and Home Prices: Evidence from Long Island
Global sea level rise is a known consequence of climate change. As predictions of sea level rise have grown in magnitude and certainty, coastal real estate assets face an increasing climate risk. I use a complete data set of repeated home sales from Long Island in New York State to estimate the appreciation discount caused […]
Read MoreNovember Rental Market: Troubling Signs Remain As State Prepares for an Uncertain 2021
By Philip ME Garboden This month, UHERO completed its second quarterly survey of rental property owners and managers (the first from August 2020 can be found here). Our primary goal is to understand how the rental market is fairing during the extended COVID-19 crisis. Are tenants increasingly struggling to make rent? Are rental property owners […]
Read MoreEstimating COVID-19 Induced Rental Housing Hardship in 2021
By Philip ME Garboden and Isabelle Picciotto Several months ago, UHERO estimated the impact of the COVID-19 induced economic downturn on renters in 2020. Much has changed since then, and generally not for the better. New outbreaks, both in Hawai’i and on the mainland, have worked against our hope for a steady and predictable economic […]
Read MoreThe August Rental Market: Struggling Tenants and Rising Vacancies
By Philip Garboden Last month, UHERO partnered with real estate groups across the state to launch a monthly survey of Hawaii’s rental property owners and managers. Our primary goal is to understand how the rental market is faring during the extended COVID-19 crisis. Are tenants increasingly struggling to make rent? Are rental property owners seeing […]
Read MoreHCRC Annual Report of Activities – Year 2
Due to the generosity of the HCRC, I was able to begin service as the HCRC Professor in Affordable Housing Economics, Policy, and Planning in the fall of 2018. Since that time, I have been able to maintain a vigorous national research agenda, while simultaneously working to inform housing policy in the state of Hawaii, […]
Read MoreUHERO Survey on the Impacts of COVID-19 on Hawaii’s Rental Properties
UHERO has partnered with landlord and property management organizations to initiate a statewide data collection effort related to the impacts of the COVID-19 crises on our state’s rental housing. Our goal is to gather representative empirical data each month on 1) the number of rental households struggling to pay rent and 2) the number of […]
Read MoreEvent: The Coming Covid Eviction Crisis and How to Stop It
The Coming Covid Eviction Crisis and How to Stop It Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 9:00 am Hawai‘i time Register and submit questions in advance HERE. Hawai‘i residents have long struggled with the elevated cost of housing and high rates of homelessness. Now the covid-19 recession is pressing more households to the edge. Join us to explore […]
Read MoreEstimating the Need for Rental Assistance in Hawaii
By Philip ME Garboden and Isabelle Picciotto Renters in Hawaii are at significant risk due to the economic downturn. Roughly 40% of all households in Hawaii rent their homes. They have significantly lower income than homeowners, with a median household income of $57,000 compared with $100,000 for homeowners. Their housing tenure is by nature less […]
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