Michael Roberts

A Proposal for Real-Time Pricing Tariffs for Large Electricity Customers

August 27, 2024

As Oahu’s electric grid transitions to clean energy, characterized by variable wind, solar, and storage resources, the marginal cost of electricity will become increasingly variable across time and location. Consequently, the value of using locational marginal prices (LMP) for customer billing and compensating distributed generation will increase significantly. This report outlines a proposal to implement […]

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Optimal transmission expansion minimally reduces decarbonization costs of U.S. electricity

February 21, 2024

Solar and wind power are cost-competitive with fossil fuels, yet their intermittent nature presents challenges. Significant temporal and geographic differences in land, wind, and solar resources suggest that long-distance transmission could be particularly beneficial. Using a detailed, open source model, we analyze optimal transmission expansion jointly with storage, generation, and hourly operations across the three […]

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Embracing TOU: Nudges, Rates, and Renewable Energy

August 21, 2023

By Michael Roberts, Nori Tarui and Ethan Hartely Hawaiian Electric Company is about to embark on a significant experiment: a pilot program introducing time-of-use (TOU) pricing. Designed to reduce electricity prices during daylight hours when solar power is abundant and increase them during the evening when the sun sets and demand rises, this initiative could […]

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Real-Time Pricing and the Cost of Clean Power

August 9, 2022

Solar and wind power are now cheaper than fossil fuels but are intermittent. The extra supply-side variability implies growing benefits of using real-time retail pricing (RTP). We evaluate the potential gains of RTP using a model that jointly solves investment, supply, storage, and demand to obtain a chronologically detailed dynamic equilibrium for the island of […]

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Are We Building Too Much Natural Gas Pipeline? A comparison of actual US expansion of pipeline to an optimized plan of the interstate network

April 25, 2022

Interstate natural gas transmission and storage infrastructure is facilitated using regulated, private transactions. Pipeline companies obtain long-term contracts from producers and wholesale purchasers, typically local distribution companies (LDCs). In the past, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) accepted these counterparty contracts as sufficient justification of need. Typically the LDCs are themselves regulated firms, which sometimes […]

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Using Temperature Sensitivity to Estimate Shiftable Electricity Demand Implications for power system investments and climate change

September 2, 2021

Growth of intermittent natural hazard resilience make it increasingly difficult to manage electricity demand variability. Transmission and centralized storage technologies can help, but are costly. An alternative to centralized storage is to make better use of shiftable demand, but it is unclear how much shiftable demand exists. A significant share of electricity demand is used […]

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The Agricultural Economic Landscape in Hawai‘i and the Potential for Future Economic Viability

June 11, 2021

By Sarah Rehkamp, Michael J. Roberts, and James M. MacDonald In a recent UHERO policy brief, Reviving Agriculture to Diversify Hawai‘i’s Economy, authors pointed to trends in Hawai‘i agriculture and state policies surrounding agricultural land management (La Croix & Mak, 2021). Hawai‘i’s agricultural history has centered around the pineapple and sugar plantations and these are […]

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Publication: How Will Climate Change Affect Water Demand? Evidence from Hawai‘i Microclimates

January 1, 2021

The effect that climate change will have on water resource sustainability is gaining international interest, particularly in regions where stocks are strained due to changing climate and increasing populations. Past studies focus mainly on how water availability will be affected by climate change, with little attention paid to how consumer behavior is likely to react. […]

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Implications of a “Green Tariff” for the University of Hawai‘i, Hawaiian Electric Company, and other Customers

November 17, 2020

In June 2015 the State passed a law setting a goal for the University of Hawai‘i (UH) to produce as much renewable energy as the total energy it consumes; that is, to become net-zero. The great bulk of the University’s energy use occurs on the Mānoa campus, which has the most students and by far […]

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