
Unclaimed: Over $15 million in Tax Credits for Low Income Households April 29, 2024 By Dylan T. Moore (UHERO) & Baybars Karacaovali (Office of Tax Research and Planning, Hawai'i Department of Taxation) In 2021, low-income households in Hawaii were eligible for about $42 million through the state’s refundable food/excise income tax credit. But over one third—or $15.3 million—of this money went unclaimed. These estimates come from a new analysis… Read More
Cliffs in the GAP: A Design Flaw with an Easy Fix February 10, 2023 By Dylan Moore How much more am I getting? I’m getting $80 a month before taxes, and I’m going to lose a $1000 benefit… It’s so stupid. This quote—from a parent in California1—describes the frustrations that policy “cliffs” can cause for low-income working families. A “cliff” occurs when a large benefit is suddenly withdrawn when… Read More