Dr. Denise Konan participates on an APEC panel on PBS Hawaii’s INSIGHTS

Denise Konan, Blogs, Economy, Energy, News

The INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAII program will feature a discussion about the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit that will take place in Honolulu this November. A panel of experts will delve into the economic, environmental and social issues that APEC members will explore at the summit, and what the high-profile event means for Hawaii as we’re thrust into the global spotlight.

Scheduled guests include: Dr. Robert Curry, visiting economics professor teaching an exclusive APEC course at the University of Hawaii Manoa; Denise Konan, economist and research fellow from the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization (UHERO); and Lauren Moriarty, former U.S. APEC Ambassador.

Access the video on the PBS Hawaii website.