New publication analyzes the effects of a state-level carbon reduction strategy for Hawai‘i


A new publication by Makena Coffman, Paul Bernstein, Maja P. Schjervheim, Sumner La Croix, and Sherilyn Hayashida looks at the effects of Hawai‘i’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), a state-level electricity standard that requires 100% electricity generation through renewable sources by 2045.

In the paper:

  • The authors develop a CGE model of the Hawai‘i economy and GHG emissions.
  • The RPS reduces Hawai‘i GHG emissions and household welfare.
  • GHG equivalent carbon taxes (without dividends) also reduce welfare.
  • Equal share dividend payments yield progressive and often positive welfare impacts.
  • Electric-sector-only policies result in lower electric vehicle adoption.

Makena Coffman, Paul Bernstein, Maja P. Schjervheim, Sumner La Croix, Sherilyn Hayashida, A Comparison of State-Level Carbon Reduction Strategies: A Case Study of Hawai‘i, Energy and Climate Change, 2023,